How We Made 6.9x Return On Ad Spend for an E-commerce Client


Before Blessed is She Came To Us

  • No plan in place

  • Playing with Facebook Ads

  • Missing Out on Potential Sales

  • Piecing it all together

After Blessed is She Came To Us

  • Supported & Profitable

  • Proven Strategy in Place

  • Relief in Outsourcing Ads

  • Not Missing Sales or Profits

They were stuck trying to figure out on their own.

Courses helped but left them without any clear direction or strategy.

They were missing sales left and right.

The Problem

Advertising was already part of their business but it was a side project.

👉They were trying to figure it out on their own while doing a million other things.

👉Opportunities to advertise a sale or opportunity were passing them by.

👉They were missing out on additional sales by not having someone dedicated to running their ads.

What held them back from hiring?

Finding someone that could capture the vision and mission of Blessed Is She.

They needed someone who was skilled at running ads but also understood the heart, voice and messaging of Blessed Is She.

Was it even possible to find someone who could meet their needs, communicate their brand clearly and lay out a plan for what was next?


So we did a free, no obligation, no strings attached audit and here's what we found...

Figuring It Out On Their Own

They took some courses and knew enough to get ads running but when it came to updating, adding new audiences or where to go from here they were left with all the decisions and no answers.

No Plan In Place

There was no plan in place for next steps. They continued to run ads but had no next steps or future strategy to help support their current efforts. It was discouraging and confusing.

The Heart of the Matter

After talking to a few ad agencies, they were unsure whether they could rely on someone to capture their mission and vision. Keeping their messaging and mission at the forefront was crucial.

The Solution

Connecting with Inspired-Ads allowed them the freedom and confidence to finally outsource their ads to someone with a proven strategy to move them forward.

🏆There was, after all their searching, an agency who "got it" and could roll up their sleeves, jump in and waste no time understanding their brand.

Blessed is She felt supported in outsourcing this piece of their business, it was truly a breath of fresh air. From strategy to capitalizing on sales, ad reporting, and beyond they could take the passenger seat to running ads for their business.

Look at the results we were able to achieve in just 3 weeks of working with Blessed is She!

The Results


60% Increase in Revenue

$25,056.95made in Purchase Conversions.

An increase of +$9,585 in Purchase conversions within 3 weeks. This resulted in a 60% increase in sales revenue made directly from ads in comparison with the previous 3 week period.


92% Increase in Purchases

382 Purchases from ads, up from 202 purchases from ads in the previous 3 week period. This generated the 92% increase in sales from their ads which resulted in a total of $25,056.95 in revenue from ads alone, not factoring in attributed sales from ads on top of this amount.


6.9x Return on Ad Spend

$3,584.98 Spent, $25,056.95 in Revenue all within a 3 week period which generated results far exceeding what they thought possible.

This is now giving them the freedom to focus on the areas they want to work on in their business, trust the process and expand with paid advertising.

In less than 4 weeks, we achieved 6.9x Return on Ad Spend

Win #1: Strategy in Place

We brought together their mission, vision and the quarter ahead - creating a strategy that would help them succeed in their paid marketing efforts.

Win #2: Confidence

Blessed is She was able to take the passenger seat and rely on Inspired-Ads to get the job done. Being able to confidently rely on your service provider is crucial.

Win #3: Profitable Ads

Within the first month we were seeing a massive increase in clicks & purchases from running strategic ads to the site.

Their results are sky rocketing and continue to pour in!

Here are the services we provided to get Blessed is She these results


Website Audit

A complementary audit took place to be sure that the website was converting properly.


Meta Ads

We are experts in our craft, strategizing the best audiences, creatives, placements and budget.


Audience Research & Creation

We research what type of customer is buying these products and create audiences and messaging based on these personas.


Ad Scaling

Once ads have been optimized, we work hard to incrementally scale what is working and discontinue what isn't. All about putting your money to work!

Results like these are replicable. How do we know?

Because it's what we live and breathe.

We help E-commerce brands generate 4x+ their Return on Ad Spend using Meta Ads so that they can have more freedom in their business.

Curious if your business can get results like this?

Find out on a free strategy call to see if we can help your business grow through Meta Ads.

The reason it all works is that we keep your best interest in mind. If that means not offering a contract or waiting to run ads for you, so be it.

I won't offer you a contract unless I think your brand would benefit from Done For You Ads.

That is a promise.

We Help Ecommerce Businesses Scale With Meta Ads

If you've ever tried Meta Ads before, you'll understand exactly how complicated they really are - and that doing them wrong will end up costing thousands in missed opportunities or in mistakes.

We allow our client brands to focus on what they do best by taking the whole process off their hands.

❌No more missed sales, no more rushed and slapped together creatives.

🏆It's time to get serious about ads for your business.

👉We want you to have the freedom to do less and make more in your business.

Getting ads right, using tried and true strategy and a dedicated agency working in your court is how to do that.

Inspired-Ads is an agency that specializes in Mission Driven brands. As a results driven team, we create Meta Ads with positive return on ad spend for our clients that make sense for their business.

Our goal is to help you do more of what you love, in your business and outside of your business. That's the whole point of scaling right? To get you where you want to be financially but more importantly.... with the people you love.

We've trained with some of the world's top digital marketers and our founder.

Bottomline, you are in good hands.

How Do We Do It (Over And Over Again)...
We combine the right team, with the right strategy, and the right platforms
  • Audit to ensure results are possible for you

  • Strategize to lay a foundation for continue success

  • Create Ads to match your brand, voice and audience

  • ​Test & Optimize to make your money work for you and convert

  • Scale to help your business expand without doing all the heavy lifting

We specialize in helping product businesses scale their brands profitably with Facebook & Instagram Ads. From evergreen strategies to high-income-generating campaigns - we focus on creating ads that make sense for your brand. Ads should allow you the freedom to focus on more of what you love to do in your business without getting stuck in the grind to grow your business or spend hours on social media.

At Inspired-Ads you will be met with authenticity and genuine care for your brand and business. Celebrating our clients successes and getting to work through new challenges together is all part of working with Inspired-Ads. We work together as a team to nail their marketing and find success with ads. Want to see if we are a good fit? Book a free call below!

*Please note that you need to be willing to invest in your own ad spend to get results from paid traffic.

We work with clients who believe in their businesses and are ready to take action.

The Process We Use To Get Client Results...

Audit & Conversions

We learn about a business over a discovery call to make sure the brand is ready to run ads. The audit includes everything from website to email to ads manager and makes sure your account is ready to run ads profitably.


Tech Check

We gain access and connect all the pieces. This makes sure we can have a clear stream of data to watch so none of your money goes to waste. We want as much data as possible!


Testing & Targeting

We create campaigns to test out every aspect. Testing and targeting needs to take place to get streamlined messaging for future campaigns. This helps keep the overall cost of ads down because we know what we are doing.


Optimize & Tweak

We optimize or enhance the results we get from testing. At this point we are taking the winner and running with it. Our costs are the best they get and it's saving you money!


Soar & Scale

We take the campaigns that are profitable and start the scale. This creates more cash flow for you as we profitably monitor and add more budget and campaigns to your amazing foundation!


Team Effort

It takes a team effort to create these kind of results! Without active communication and working together, these results would not be possible.

Don't Take Our Word For It...

Hear It Straight From Our Clients


“She is timely, determined, organized and so much more”

"Charlotte goes above and beyond for every client she takes on. She is timely, determined, organized and so much more. you will NOT be disappointed with her." -Meredith with Auction and Event Solutions


“I Really Enjoyed working with Charlotte”

“I really enjoyed working with Charlotte and letting her handle my ads campaigns. She was always willing to try new ideas and work with us to provide the vision our brand wanted to be represented.” -
Rachael B with My Sister’s Closet KS


“I love getting in-depth monthly reports”

"Charlotte is amazing, I had never used ads before, so I was nervous about starting them, but Charlotte eased my nerves by truly listening to me, taking the time to understand my brand, and always keeping communication open. I love getting in-depth monthly reports from her with a video attached and it was a great experience!" -Raquel with The Little Rose Shop


“Charlotte is your go-to girl for Facebook Ads”

"Charlotte is your go-to girl for Facebook Ads, and she is by far the best contractor I’ve ever worked with. She’s organized, a great communicator, goes above and beyond your expectations, and delivers as promised. She has made my biz life easier by taking out the behind-the-scenes stress of Facebook Ads. I couldn’t recommend anyone more!" -Laura Lynn L. Child Behavior Consultant. BabySparks Instructor.

Have a question? Feel free to send us an email

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This site or service is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.

Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved | Inspired-Ads LLC | Privacy Policy

Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

Important: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that’s what our programs are designed to help you do. We can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don’t know you and your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We’re here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only.